AOGME Testimonials

AOGME is Leading the Future of OGME with Dr. Harald Lausen

AOGME Webinar Testimonials

"Nicely done. Easy to access. Great speaker with lots of good advice."

Lauren Noto-Bell, DO
Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine (PCOM)

"This was very important information and probably one of the better presentations on this subject matter that I have seen- very broad and focused with great tips!"

Lilia Wilson, DIO
Midwestern University 

“Excellent presentation with very useful tips and suggestions. Thank you!”

Lawrence LeBeau, DO
A.T. Still University

Member Takeaway with Dr. Sandy Snyder
Member Takeaway with Dr. Joanne Baker
You Belong with AOGME with Dr. David Kuo
Support, Mentoring and Community with Dr. Juan Acosta

Joanne Baker, DO"AOGME means to me so many things. On a personal level it’s the networking of colleagues across the country that have been a source of support and help along my job, my career. It’s also been great for professional development as far as looking for resources to help me be a better leader, be a better Program Director. And with this whole transition to ACGME, there has been so much support in helping me along the pathway of understanding all that it means to be as a Program Director and a Director of Osteopathic Education."

Joanne Baker, DO
Program Director, Internal Medicine; Residency Director of Osteopathic Medicine - Western Michigan University

Juan Acosta, DO"AOGME actually has supported my whole career ever since I was a resident. I started coming to meetings and I was able to find mentors...The most valuable part of being a member of AOGME is actually all the members and the knowledge that comes with all that. So, the mentorship, the building, the nonjudgmental kind of osteopathic philosophy that each member has is incredible, and you can’t get that anywhere else."

Juan Acosta, DO
Associate Medical Director, Saint Catherine of Siena Medical Center

Sandra Snyder, DO"I think that the AOGME is important for the future of osteopathic medical educators because we’re at a turning point in our profession where we’ve joined the single accreditation and this organization provides us a community of leaders and educators that could help us advance osteopathic medicine not only for our learners and other faculty but also for our patients."

Sandra Snyder, DO
Program Director, Cleveland Clinic Family Medicine Residency

Harald Lausen, DO"I would say you should consider joining AOGME. Looking into the future now as a place to go for the development needs, resource needs, faculty training needs that you have, moving into, really, this new single accreditation system, and having a good foundation of resources for Osteopathic Recognition, which is really what we ought to focus on moving forward."

Harald Lausen, DO
Chief Medical Officer, Associate Dean for Clinical Affairs & Population Health SIU School of Medicine
David Kuo, DO"The value of membership is a couple of things. Number one, the education content that they have, in terms of their webinars and also the meetings, they provide a lot of education in in-person lecture and I also like the committees that I’m a part of because that’s when I get to talk one-on-one with other leaders in the osteopathic community. It helps me do a better job at PCOM."

David Kuo, DO
Assistant Dean for Graduate Medical Education; Director of Medical Education, Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Education (PCOM)

Dana Shaffer, DO"When I was new to GME, I needed to network with others with whom I could use as mentors. After being in GME for a while, I needed to network with others who were struggling with the struggles as I. To me, this is what AODME and now AOGME is all about."

Dana Shaffer, DO
Dean, University of Pikeville-Kentucky College of Osteopathic Medicine




Who Should Join?

Members of AOGME include GME professionals and medical educators with an interest in and connected to osteopathic GME, including:

  • Directors of osteopathic education (DOEs)
  • Designated institutional officials (DIOs)
  • Directors of medical education (DMEs)
  • Program directors
  • Osteopathic track directors
  • Faculty in GME programs with Osteopathic Recognition
  • COM faculty with a link to GME
  • Residents and fellows
  • Program coordinators
  • Accreditation staff
  • Administrators
  • Other GME leadership & staff