白小姐三肖三码必中一期 Comments on Proposed Distance Education Regulations

Published September 03, 2024

By 白小姐三肖三码必中一期 Government Relations

Advocacy Federal Policy OME Advocate

  • 白小姐三肖三码必中一期 recently submitted comments on the U.S. Department of Education (ED)'s  on distance education, return of title IV funds and the federal TRIO programs. 白小姐三肖三码必中一期 also signed an American Council on Education comment letter to ED on these issues.
  • These proposed rules followed negotiated rulemaking committee sessions held earlier this year where 白小姐三肖三码必中一期 nominee Erika Linden served as the primary negotiator for private, non-profit institutions of higher education.
  • ED must finalize the rule by November 1, 2024, for the regulations to take effect on July 1, 2025.
  • The proposed rules on the remaining topics from the negotiated rulemaking committee—state authorization, accreditation and cash management—are expected to be released in 2025.