Senior Leadership Development Program Kicks Off with Successful Meeting in Atlanta

Published September 10, 2024

Inside OME

A group of medical leaders stand in a well-lit entryway.

The Senior Leadership Development Program (SLDP) fellows gathered in Atlanta, Georgia, on August 7-8, 2024, for their first meeting of the year. The event focused on interpersonal competencies essential for leadership. Key sessions included transforming peer groups into cohesive teams, optimizing evidence-based teaching and character-based leadership. Participants also engaged in specialized tracks, such as the Learning and Curriculum track, which delved into effective teaching strategies to help struggling students, and the Graduate Medical Education track. The program emphasized practical applications to the fellows’ home institutions, fostering a collaborative and supportive environment.

Special thanks to CHSU-COM’s John Graneto, DO, MEd; PCOM Georgia’s Andrea Mann, DO; and NYITCOM’s Nicole Wadsworth, DO, who are serving as mentors for this program. We also extend our gratitude to Karl Haden, President of the Academy for Advancing Leadership, for his leadership in organizing the sessions, and to Karen Nichols, DO, MA, Schoen Kruse, PhD and Felicia Tucker-Lively, PhD, MPH, for their expert contributions. Their collective guidance and expertise were invaluable in making this first phase of the program a success.

As SLDP enters its 7th year, this dynamic start sets a promising tone for the year ahead. View the current cohort and alumni.