2022 白小姐三肖三码必中一期AS Applicant & Matriculant Profile Summary Report

May 28, 2024

By: Erik Guercio

Applicants Matriculants Profile Report Topic Report Type Research Reports

For demographics, women comprised a majority of the applicant pool (57.4%) and the matriculant pool (54.7%), and the percentage of underrepresented minorities was 17.5% for applicants and 12.0% for matriculants.

Regarding academic performance, the average MCAT score for applicants was 503.60, with section scores as follows: Psychological, Social, and Biological Foundations (126.87), Biological and Biochemical Foundations (126.02), Chemical and Physical Foundations (126.65) and Critical Analysis and Reasoning (125.06). Matriculants had a higher average MCAT score of 504.77, with section scores as follows: Psychological, Social, and Biological Foundations (127.19), Biological and Biochemical Foundations (126.36), Chemical and Physical Foundations (125.96) and Critical Analysis and Reasoning (125.26). The average undergraduate GPA for applicants was 3.53 overall, with non-science GPAs averaging 3.65 and science GPAs 3.42. Matriculants had higher GPAs, with an overall average of 3.59, non-science GPAs of 3.70 and science GPAs of 3.49.

In terms of socio-economic indicators, 27.7% of applicants and 25.2% of matriculants graduated from high schools where many students were eligible for free or reduced lunch, 18.4% of applicants and 14.6% of matriculants were considered economically disadvantaged and 19.3% of applicants and 17.4% of matriculants lived in Health Professional Shortage Areas. 

The top feeder colleges for applicants were the University of California—Los Angeles, the University of Florida, and Michigan State University—East Lansing. The top feeder colleges for matriculants were the University of Florida, Michigan State University—East Lansing, and the University of California—Los Angeles.