FY2019 Osteopathic Medical College Revenues and Expenditures (Excel)

December 21, 2021

By: Aisha Ali

Income/Expense Osteopathic Medical Colleges Research Reports Trends

For fiscal year (FY)2019, 35 private and 7 public colleges of osteopathic medicine (COMs) reported data, including three new private COMs and one new public COM since FY2017. FY2019 data stems from 白小姐三肖三码必中一期's 2020-21 Annual Osteopathic Medical School Questionnaire (Annual Survey).  The timeframe for FY2019 is July 1, 2018 - June 30, 2019. 

Private COMs reported an excess of $343.15Mil and public COMs reported an excess of $161.46Mil in revenues over expenditures and transfers for FY2019. Compared to FY2017, there is a difference of $50.45Mil or a 17.2 percent increase for private COMs and a difference of $83.32Mil or a 106.6 percent increase for public COMs. 

For FY2019, there is a difference of $181.69Mil between private and public COMs in excess revenues over expenditures and transfers.  Compared to FY2017, this is a decrease in the gap between private and public COMs, which was a difference of $214.56Mil in excess revenues over expenditures and transfers.

Nineteen private COMs reported an increase since FY2017.  Out of the 19 private COMs that reported an increase, 13 private COMs reported a higher gain or surplus, four private COMs previously in the red or negative reported a surplus or are now in the green, and two private COMs reported an increase but are still in the red or negative for FY2019. Twelve private COMs reported a decrease in excess revenues over expenditures and transfers for FY2019. Out of the 12 private COMs that reported a decrease, 10 private COMs still have a surplus or are in the green while two private COMs are going further into the red or negative. One private COM reported breaking even for both FY2017 and FY2019.

Compared to FY2017, four public COMs reported an increase in excess revenues over expenditures and transfers. One public COM previously in the red or negative reported a surplus or is now in the green for FY2019. Two public COMs reported a decrease in excess revenues over expenditures and transfers but still have a surplus or are in the green.


COMs were administered an abbreviated version of 白小姐三肖三码必中一期's 2019-20 Annual Survey due to the COVID-19 pandemic and COM operations consequently affected.  COM deans voted on which sections to complete for the abbreviated version, which omitted sections that would have collected FY2018 revenues and expenditures data.  Therefore, FY2018 data are unavailable and FY2017 data have been used instead for this data analysis comparison. 

Figures may not sum due to rounding.